Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is one of the 27 states of Brazil. It has the second largest economy of Brazil, with the largest being that of the state of São Paulo

Iguazu Falls

The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu. The Iguazu River rises near the city of Curitiba. For most of its course, the river flows through Brazil, however, most of the falls are on the Argentine side.


The city of Salvador is notable in Brazil for its cuisine, music and architecture, and its metropolitan area is the second wealthiest in Brazil's Northeast.

Fortaleza - Ceará

Fortaleza has a typical tropical climate, specifically a tropical wet and dry climate, with high temperatures and high relative humidity throughout the year.


Manaus is located in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, and access to the city is primarily through boat or airplane. This isolation helped preserve both the nature as well as the culture of the city.


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Visa to Brazil

Important Visa Information:

(Link to the Brazilian Consulate Visa Information Website)

For Visa Services, please contact us:

Phone: (619)750-4999

Important Visa Information: (Link to the Brazilian Consulate Visa Information Website) For Visa Services, please contact us: Phone: (619)750-4999

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